Pendlerskizzen an Arbeitstagen | workday commuter sketches
Etwaige Ähnlichkeiten mit tatsächlichen Personen sind unbeabsichtigt und rein zufällig.
Etwaige Ähnlichkeiten mit tatsächlichen Personen sind unbeabsichtigt und rein zufällig.
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- Texte
- pdfTheAprilMail - Issue01 - Auszug763,3 KBJetzt downloadenTheAprilMail ist ein indischer Kunst - Blog mit Newlsetter: The April Mail is a poetry, art and literature newsletter curated by three art and literature enthusiasts from Hyderabad, India. Their aim is to celebrate works of poets and artists from across the globe in the event of National Indian Poetry Writing Month challenge.
https://theaprilmailblog.wordpress.com/2020/04/05/issue-01-featured-artist-klaustiksketchi/Jahr: 2020© by theaprilmailblog
klaus "klaustik" is based in a small town south of Austrian’s capital Vienna. For work as a digital cartographer and geospatial analyst he commutes workdays 40 minutes in each direction, using this spare time especially for his commuter sketches published on social media accounts.
Using the crossword section of the daily free newspaper collected at the station, picking up some crossword solutuions as an inspiration and other commuters sitting around as models, my daily sketch is dependent on how long the models are on the same place and getting off the train myself. Therefore i add colors and finish the sketch often far away from realistic illustration much more in some sort of cartoonic style, using the picked up words to build my captions. My aim is to tell a little story and offer a starting point for own thoughts and stories.
Using the crossword section of the daily free newspaper collected at the station, picking up some crossword solutuions as an inspiration and other commuters sitting around as models, my daily sketch is dependent on how long the models are on the same place and getting off the train myself. Therefore i add colors and finish the sketch often far away from realistic illustration much more in some sort of cartoonic style, using the picked up words to build my captions. My aim is to tell a little story and offer a starting point for own thoughts and stories.